
February 6, 2015
El Gastor, Andalucía, Spain

Well, hello there!

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Despite the abundance of radio-silence over the last several months, there’s actually been LOTS to report on from our side. Namely:

1.  We’ve taken a break from our the nomadic lifestyle that led us all over Europe for the last 2.5 years to settle temporarily in a remote part of mountainous Andalucía, Spain.

2. We have new neighbors! The seven or eight sheep that graze on our hillside.  And their shepherd.

3. We’ve enrolled both kids at the little local school in the pueblo.  Other than a previous nursery school stint for Oliver in California, this is pretty much their first foray into formal, public education.  Oh, and it’s all in Spanish.  More on that later.

And there’s one other bit of information we’ve been holding back for the last 22 weeks or so. Keep reading…



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